Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Cupcakes for buka puasa

Ordered by Zahariah (Subang) - 100 pcs cupcakes with bc frosting. Wanted simple design with pastel colours. For buka puasa event I supposed. Hope u like it. TQ 4 ur support dear.

Samples for MAKNA event

Set of 6  - S Size

Single CC - Large size

Dalam sibuk last week tu, sempat juga buat samples for MAKNA charity event. TQ Fiza fr sharing on this opportunity.

2nd batch - done

SYUKRAN, ALHAMDULILLAH! 2nd batch done despite of all the obstacles. 1 more batch to go! Praying to Allah swt to give me the courage & strength to complete & able to deliver as requested. Thursday is the last day deliveries & collection of Raya cookies b4 attending to cupcakes & brownies orders.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Horray!!! Done with the 1st batch for order. Alhamdulillah...... 2 more to go...


OMG, its been very long since my last updates. Been very very bz with my daily work routine and taking orders as well. For that I owe to all my great supporters.

Raya orders this year, alhamdulillah had done with the 1st batch order and now working very hard to complete 2nd batch. So far managed to meet dateline sampai x larat bau butter. Target to complete with
the 3rd & last batch by next week 24th. Insya Allah. Then only baru nak cari baju RAYA!!!

Among cookies for this Raya.

Hazelnut Bar
Ferozen Kenari

Nes-Choc Eye

Coconut Delight

Almond Choc Tart

Melon Bites

Sunflower Coconut