Thursday, April 28, 2011

B'day cake for BYAN

Ordered by her mom, Nani. Byan wants heart shaped with mimie mouse face.... Enjoy ur b'day dear!

While stock last - DZEST Complimentary gift for any birthday cake - cute little teddy bear....

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Blueberry Cheese cake with whipped cream

TQ Norli dear  for ur orders. Hope u like it!

Kyra's Birthday Cake

Gosh! how time flies very fast, Kyra is now 3 yrs old!  So cute & love when she starts talking.....
This year, she wants Wonder Pet....  Luv u Kyra. Hope to get ur photo soon dear!

Brownies Again

Brownies orders for this week. Again from regular clients.... TQ 4 ur support dear Anny, Nani & Lin... Hope u like it!

Choc fudge + almonds toppings

Dome Brownies

Choc Fudge brownies

Choc Fudge with white/choc rice

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Surprise Birthday Cake!

Tengku ordered on behalf of her Uni mate, a surprise b'day for her BF..... Design... well she leave it up to me as long as its a mud choc cake. Came up with this Cap with IPod so-called cake. Sent to UM last nite. TQ sis . Hope u like it!